Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blessed Retailer of the Day: Prada.

The Bobby is very busy
even with things outside of making the consumer's world a better place to shop

and sometimes gets a bit stressed.

I took a little walk today and contemplated drugs, alcohol etc.
and how, perhaps, these options could artificially release me from the torment of a gifted mind.

But instead,
I took the wiser, healthier route:

retail therapy.

And the misconception about effective retail therapy
(that is, if you don't want to have to eventually go to real therapy
or a bankruptcy counselor)

is that you HAVE to buy.


The little trick I learned is the following:

go to a store where your credit card limit is so inferior that the salespeople (and perhaps the clothing) will melt in disgust if even catching a whiff of it.

My destination of choice?


And not just any Prada my dears - the Soho Flagship.

Write it down and visit immediately:

575 Broadway, New York City.


It is a feast for the senses.

I couldn't afford a damn thing,
but I touched everything

it was like ... being in a museum of beauty.

[and to quote Herbert Muschamp from a 2001 NYT review:

"Think of this as a museum show on indefinite display." ]


so true. so true.

And well,
I could start a rampage of detail here,

but I'd much rather you have the experience personally
untainted from bobbyisms of course.

[and the shoes! oh, THE SHOES! just. you. wait.]

and now to the quick finale of my story...

after an hour or so,

everything felt right with the world again:

I could finally return to my duties as consumer superhero,
reenergized by the power of magical prada fairies.

Get a taste at the website:

(I personally recommend checking out the Spring/Summer campaign images and the animation.)

Welcome to heaven.

[you're welcome.]


Oh and P.S. -
should you be in a village coffee shop and see some handsome devil hunched over an apple laptop, staring at his newest desktop image of choice:

you'll know that's me.


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