Monday, March 17, 2008

A Miracle of Bee

Holy crap.

Not only is Burt's Beeswax Lip Balm undoubtedly the master of all lip balms –

it’s natural, smells nice and perhaps most importantly, it gives you that happy tingly feeling in your lips –

but the Burt’s magic just survived my washing machine.


I had that monster on double rinse
heavy load
very dirty

super-adulation please
(nerdy word perhaps, but BOO YAH my washer is so intense that it has that option)

Basically, I needed clean what’s second worst to filling your washer with mud – clothes and towels soaked in sweat.

[Insert shout-out to here! Thank you, Vasana, for a remarkably fabulous and sweaty morning.]


So perhaps sweat is not second worst to mud.

But it IS smelly.
And it DOES need to be aggressively cleaned.

But I digress.
Back to Burt’s story we go...

I began transferring my clothes to the dryer when
something fell out.

I mean, I was thinking hmm, a quarter, a button –
anything but my precious Burt’s.

[I must have inadvertently pulled it out of my yoga bag, trapped in the folds of dirty laundry, poor thing...]

And when I saw it,
I literally screamed like a girl

“oh baby, please be all right – be all right!”

And then I opened it, my heart racing.
It looked... okay.
It looked... normal.

I placed it to my lips.

It didn’t smell like soap.

It didn't taste like soap.

(yes, I did do the quick lick test)

It was actually… EXACTLY THE SAME.

Can I get a hallelujah?

God bless Burt’s and its magical powers.

Personally, I can only vouch for the classic lip balm –
but come on, quality like this has got to run through everything else, no?

Check it out:

Is everything so magical?
Or is this balm its token fab product?

Let me know your personal experiences with the balm and other Burt’s stuff!

P.S. You can find more Burt’s Beeswax Lip Balm at your local grocery store, health food store and/or drugstore.

It's pretty damn popular (clearly, for good reason).


ABoliek said...

I am a fan of the hand salve... especially during the winter.

Jrez said...

Hmmm. I actually heard that the salve smells funny. And is super greasy. So tell me, how are you supposed to use it fancyman? Do you wear gloves to bed?

ABoliek said...

Yeah it smells funny. And yes it is super greasy. But nothing works better.

It's made for real rugged types who work with their hands (like myself), and don't mind the odor and grease. But if you need to wear gloves, I suggest you double bag it.